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Venue Information and Accessibility

Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes before your session. If you do arrive before this, please wait before making your way in. This allows us to ensure the previous group has exited and gives us time to clean and tidy the venue before your arrival.

Any late arrivals will need to depart at the end of the session to ensure we have the full 20 minutes required to provide the next group with the same experience.

Thank you for your understanding.



Special requests:

Please inform us of any special requests, we will try to accommodate this as best we can!



Accessibility Information:

Exterior Entrance:


  • 3 step entrance.


  • Door wide enough to easily fit a pram.


  • Currently no ramp available.




  • GF entrance with a set of stairs.


  • Goods lift available just for prams and wheelchairs. Human use not permitted. Staff member will be on hand for any assistance with prams.


  • Seating area available in our cafe.


  • Currently no designated disabled toilet.



Accessibility statement:


We have received a lot of messages regarding our accessibility, and we want to address your concerns directly! When Cameron and I embarked on this journey, our goal was to create a completely accessible environment for everyone, this is the foundation that SENsory Playworld was built on. We aim to provide a safe space where all people enjoy themselves and can be their complete self without fear of judgement. We are absolutely devastated that we are not yet able to achieve 100% accessibility. As a small, family-run startup, we face certain budgetary constraints that hasn’t enabled this initially. However, our mission is not driven by profit but by our personal experiences and a genuine desire to improve the lives of those who face similar challenges. We are fully committed to reinvesting as much as we can in these initial stages to enhance our accessibility. This absolutely remains our top priority. We ask for your patience and understanding as we work towards this goal. Thank you for your support and for being a part of our journey. 


Warm regards, 


The SENsory Playworld Team


Venue Details:

Address - Crank Mills, New Bank Street, Morley, LS27 8NT.

There is limited parking at our venue but plenty of on-street parking just outside our gates!



Number 47 bus takes you directly outside our venue.

Morley train station is a 6 minute walk from our venue.

SENsory Playworld Location

Crank Mills, New Bank Street, Leeds, Morley  

LS27 8NT



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